wow~ cut a new hairstyle ~ wuu become very short ady >.< dun noe how to tidy it look like very blur blur... haha~ eeyer out of topic >.< korea restaurant ~~~ kimchi kimchi~~ i also 4got when i went to the korea restaurant ady... i jus remember is beside the Ah Yat Abalone^^ actually is like the korea food BBQ >.< we ordered a lot of food like kimchi fried rice, dun noe wat fish, erm... meat ...eh... dun noe wat soup... omg all 4got ady >.< how come will like tat wuu~ become old ady >.< the service not bad... haha~ the waiters are very friendly~ the meat all are raw one so we need to BBQ ourselves~ wow~ the meat reli delicious, the taste very nice OMG~ haha let u all imagine the food how delicious~ yummy~ i think the soup is chicken soup lar... i think so~ the chicken very nice the soup more nice haha~ dun be jealous oh~ aiya aiya write until hungry orh~ >.< ok i stop at here~ makan lo~~ opss~ today is last day for chinese new year... chinese new year for everyone!!! ^^
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