wuu~ really is a black friday~ yesterday i acc wif my fren went to sg wang meet her fren >.< we went to Green Box sing k~ err.. using chinese to continue~ 突然有一个女生进来我们的房间,她说他们在作一个节目,需要到我们的房间来拍摄, is about punishement to sing a song for us >.< she said jus take few minutes only... 当他们进来的时候, 我们有点傻眼了,突然间不知该干嘛... 有点尴尬~ but still ok lor... i think so~ we sing until around 5pm... my fren asked her fren fecth us go UKM, we tot that will more faster than KTM >.< conclusion is not~ cuz we met traffic jam... we sat inside the car 5 hours~ 不熟都坐到熟了>.<" the guy keep saying sry to us, we also feel very paiseh to ask him fetch us~ around 10.40pm, we arrived UKM station~ luckly, the station havent close haha... we together waiting at the UKM station >.< feel very hungry, cuz i jus ate one bread... finally, 我回到了宿舍~ feel very tired and hungry... 倒~见周公去也~ english not so good pls forgive me >.<"